
Why Your Daughter Should Never Have Cervical Cancer

Did you know that cervical cancer is caused by the Human Papilloma Virus(HPV)? Did you know that there is a vaccine that protects against the strains of HPV which most commonly cause cervical cancer? Did you know that the vaccine is widely available and protects against genital warts too?

Cervical cancer is cancer which occurs in the lower portion of a woman's uterus. It was once the leading cause of death for women in the United States. By 1995, the Pap test had decreased the death rate from cervical cancer by 74%. Still, in 2005, over 10,000 new cases of cervical cancer were diagnosed and over 3000 women died from the disease. The majority of women who are diagnosed with cervical cancer are between the ages of 35 and 55. They were probably exposed to HPV in their late teens to early 20's. Smoking is also a risk factor for cervical cancer. The good news is that there is the potential to completely eliminate cervical cancer--this could happen within your daughter's lifetime!

What can you do?

Talk to your doctor! All sexually active women over 21 should have a Pap smear (a screening test for cervical cancer). NEED A DOCTOR ? visit http://www.acog.org/ for an MD near you!

Vaccines are currently available for girls age 9-26. MORE INFORMATION go to http://www.gardasil.com/

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Is Your Pap Smear Up to Date?